Monday, September 13, 2010

Blak Realationships Part I

So, those Korans in FL didn't burn eh? I wished that it would have happened as THEY are lookin to start the war of all wars so that THEY can shield THEMselves, declare martial law & once & for all, lock shit down! I can hardly wait!!! Fukkk what ya heard, the Gulf Coast is still a mess. For every job, an average of 70 applicants apply..........what else goin on? HMMM, another big storm named hurricane igor may hit FL as a category 5 this weekend & earl pretty much fizzled out 2 weeks ago. T.I may more than likely be goin BLAK to jail & what a flocka....I mean shame. I also just found out that ya favorites, jiggaman & slim shady are supposed to be doin a concert in of all places, yankee stadium in the Bronx(my hometown & birthplace of HipHop). Let them circle THEY wagons as they bring their evil rituals BLAK to the birthplace of HipHop for the very first time ever. This is deeply symbolic as that team, like the Dallas Cowboys, is AmeriKKKa's BASEBALL TEAM. Note too, that the former owner, george steinbrenner just died & to me this means that as far as the essence of it all, the cypher is complete on HipHop goin WILD! I need ya help though in stoppin it from runnin afuckinmuck! We can do it together & this is how: don't celebrate Kkkhristmas! From this point on, in my blogs, I'm goin to remind y'all that y'all shouldn't be celebratin it & if it's a must, do Kwanza & save ya resources for whats to come. Notice, I said resources & not MONEY!!! Our presence in the here & now is all we got & I don't wanna get old without y'all! I luv y'all & give y'all all of me so that we can all attend that soon comin Sirius Sirus Space Party like Gwen McCrae sung about BLAK in the day. Holla BLAK at me if ya remember that one! There's ONLY 829 days left & so let's get into it, now that y'all all warmed up & fuzzy inside.

This article may prove to be my most controversial in that, we have to do a SANKOFA at this point in our existence. What this means is we MUST look BLAK while movin forward because TIME MARCHES ON! Check that movie by Haile Germina & the symbology, is a bird walkin forward while lookin BLAK! All of US & I include myself in this number, HAVE to start lookin at life differently because the just past 911 9th anniversary made me realize just how different shit is from when that happened. In numerical parlance, 9 is the number of completion bein that it is the last whole single digit number. It also is an upside down 6 & bein that 69 is a sexual position & .........just seein if y'all still woke. Laugh out LOUD!!! Wow, that was the first time that I ever spelled lol out. Anyway, what I'm was sayin is, as a peepo, we in deep trouble & we just getin more mired in what we doin instead of doin what's already been PROVEN. Hey, I titled this & so y'all know what I'm talkin about. I'm talkin about Blak Realationships & the shit we doin that's causin our children to sag they pants, do crime, be homosexuals, do drugs & all of that stuff y'all NIGGAS be doin. Everything starts with YOU & unless ya significant other is beatin you, torturin you or screamin like a cat on its 9th life, you somehow share part of the blame in any breakup of the FAMILY STRUCTURE. In other words, rare is the case where there is only 1 party fully to blame for what we speak of. WE in these realationships & we got to get them together. As I'm freestylin this dynamic because it can go so many ways, I will let y'all out there determine if this should be a single story or a series by the feedBLAK I get. Let me address y'all LADIES first.

Ayo Ladies, I'm gonna keep it raw, gully & nasty with y'all. Y'all sure know how to turn a BROTHER on. Walkin with all that fine clASS. Coca Cola bottle type figures. WOWWWWWWW!!!!! For me, its a natural look but that don't mean a SISTAR who ain't totally natural can't get atta bro. You might be ready for refinement. You might polish me & we can refine together. You must be BLAK & I'll take ya from the lightest light to the BLAKKEST BLUE! You must be intelligent. You MUST be concerned in lovin BLAK PEEPO & I'm watchin for that extra careful because I've been fooled before on that end. Shit, ya exterior won't matter if ya ruff but when I speak as a MAN, all of that rah rah shit gotta cease. Real men do not tolerate SCENES & real women don't overEMOTE in public or Publix. This ain't no Battle of the Sexes but......psychologically, you have been broken down & are mad with Blak Men who could NOT save you from the common OWNER of us as he beat, whipped, abused & raped all of US & we could not PROTECT you! Them NIGGAS was rapin BLAK men too. They all homos. You've had 3 generations of social WELFARE programs that have taught you on a subliminal level that to have a man is to miss out on those very social programs that got you in college & in the boardrooms. The system is set up for you to win & forget about us so that HE can have you! I'm not BLAMIN YOU but OUR MOTHERS have taught you all that they know whether they know it or not, conciously or subconciously, too many of their NEGATIVE QUALITIES. I learned mine from my father. Most of US didn't have fathers around & for the few who did, too many weren't good examples. This enabled an IMBALANCE to develop & now, y'all don't know what it is to be around a man who will act like NATURE intended him to. Before you get mad, again, it ain't your fault. Stop rollin ya eyes & let's have a convo. Since ancient times, there has always been a seperation of labor in that, the men went out, hunted, gathered, adventured & dared to go where ALL MEN had previously been. Ain't nothin new under the SUN! Some of y'all may have called those peepo GODS but that's for another story. Many won't, but alotta us OVERSTAND ya anger & break it down on a psychological level & y'all gotta sometimes examine OUR NATURES & see what we really doin to each other. WE LIVIN IN A FALSE REALITY! I could write a 10,000 page book about US & never ever scratch the surface & so for this article, I'm gonna have to keep it brief. I dare any of y'all to do the math/science on births & see which populations have more men than women. In most socities, the birth rate of women to men is 51%-49%. When one considers in this case, the Blak Family, with dudes bein lost to the street thru drugs, alcoholism, criminality, prisons, health issues, accidents(as males dare much more than females), dyin in the military, homosexuality & not to mention, those men who for whatever reason refuse to have children, women don't have a chance mating on a 1 on 1 level. So if by the age of 25, for whatever reason, if 18-25% of our men are out of the MATING arena & only 5-8% of the MATING pool for women are lost, YOU HAVE SUCH A GREAT IMBALANCE, that men who are not fit, are having lots of women because they have money but are doin what is called CHEATIN/TRICKIN/LYIN & DECEIVIN. This is where we are now & this breaks up the family rather than y'all bringin home ya SISTAR who is a good woman, who can't find a GREAT MAN to procreate with, because you've been taught selfishness by ya momma who was taught the same by her momma who somewhere down the line got it from her slave ownin CAVE BITCH owner while her husband had his with way YOU! WE COULDN'T PROTECT YOU & those of us who know better are sorry but............this is why we must look BLAK while goin forward! Knowin the OURSTORY is half the battle. If that dynamic of the numbers is anywhere reflective of the truth, there are MILLIONS of BLAK WOMEN who will go CHILDLESS if we try to stick to the 1 MAN 1 WOMAN thing & we know that a determined woman can't be stopped. The only GOD you gonna be seein is in a HARD DICK, RA'S(GOD) ERECTIoN or resurection. The DICK is LAW & no amount of time & space is gonna change that & so y'all must SUBMIT! I din't say be submissive, I said SUBMIT & let a man be a BLAK MAN be a GOD, Allah, the All, Creator etc etc. Look at OUR history & you will see that all GREAT MEN had wives so as to keep a lineage goin. Note, I'm not tellin 40 year old women happy with 1 husband & vice versa to go out & tell ya SISTAR to come shack up with y'all. I'm sayin to y'all mature thinkin single women, that if ya wanna be with a GREAT MAN & ya can't find one, in order to be with one, ya just might have to share him & it's gonna take a lotta maturity & STRENGTH to do what you never thought possible. Stop reducin this dynamic to just SEX! This is a structured organized thing! Remember, if there are more of you to begin with & the numbers get skewed, where are you goin. Alot of y'all went runnin to the white dude & when that became a non-option, ya came runnin BLAK to.......that guy with the Lexus & brand new 10K jewelry but I got ya on the last note. If ya read my article of a few weeks ago, I wrote that in a perfect world, money will be banished & resources or real assets(estate) will be the commodity. Gold is cool but ya can't eat it. The earth will cleanse herself & then all WE gonna need is LAND, WATER & the sun that's killin our common enemy in record numbers. Worship the SUN/SON GOD! Pretty soon, those dudes who got more money than me ain't gonna be able to use it & as y'all look to men for SECURITY, all ya gonna need is a MAN that is a GOD as we CREATED the HEAVENS & the EARTH in Afrika in the beginnin that we don't know NOTHIN about. You won't be stressin him because all of ya needs will be taken care of. Just imagine what you would be thinkin of if you didn't have to go work for someone to make THEM profits that you hardly get a return on while you label ya children latchkeys & all that dumb shit we now take for granted. The village would raise US as it's about US & that collective conciousness that I always speak of! With all that I just said, would you still wanna be wih a THUG?

Thanks to all of my FB LADY Friends who gave me mad insight on how they think on the topic especially Dee Whitlow, Deanna Michael-de Sousa & Marrissa Amos-Perry. I went head to head with these Sistars & they TAUGHT me so much in a topic that not 1 dude I know on FB touched, mainly, POLYGAMY. Big up & stay tuned for Part II where I get at y'all dudes.


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