Monday, December 13, 2010

Haruka's Christmas Play

Haruka's Christmas Play was held at Alios Iwaki Performing Arts Center last weekend and was a huge success and the kids performance was spectacular! It was a first for Haruka to be on the stage and was kind-a nervous but when she started to play her role, she was great! Wakaba was beside me and almost memorized all the lines and some of the songs coz she had performed the same twice. Her first was here and her second was here on her kindergarten days. If you're a reader of Kizuna, you might have read and seen her performance on my post ^_^
Well anyway, before starting each scene, the Principal/Director of the school explained the background of the story about celebrating the birth of Jesus for some Japanese audiences aren't Christian and so that everyone will have an introduction of every scene is all about. What I love about Christmas plays is that everyone gets a part--full scene by the manger, three kings, star, sheperds attending to their sheeps, the herald angel, inn keepers, the kids singing Christmas carols with handbells and some cutie lil Santa Claus costume. Nevertheless, the children were fabulous and we had so much fun! During the the Finale, yours trully and some of the Japanese mums were on stage,too and sung Christmas songs together with the kids. DVD will be given from the school and hope to share them to you one of these days. Here's some of the photos and videos to share, hope you'll enjoy watching ^_^
The kids in their class uniform
Haruka playing the " Star "Singing a Christmas Carol
Handbell ringing
Mommies joined the Finale song
Awesome kids! They did a great job!

An entry for PhotobucketOur Weekend Memoirs


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