Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Nostalgia--Birthday Celebration

My husband will be celebrating his birthday on the 30th--most of his birthday is celebrated at a restaurant and or sometimes it is celebrated on the New Year. As much as possible, I wanted to cook for him on the day of his birthday and bake a cake for him to make it extra special at home. Even if we dine outside, we still prepare for an extension party at home even if it calls for a popcorn and beer lol! He don't want me to give him a birthday present but since it's been ages, I'm gonna give him a surprise! I've been browsing on-line of what to give him and finally found one! ^_^
My homemade Chocolate cake for him
Yochan's birthday celebration year 2007
Yochan's birthday celebration at home year 2008
Celebrated his birthday months after moving to our apartment
Homemade Gateau Chocolate Cake for him

Isn't it so much fun to go back and just yank them all out and just sit there and reminisce? ^_^

*Nostalgia is a weekly Thursday meme hosted by Ate Rose--please play with us by clicking the linky badge.* Photobucket


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