Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nostalgia-- Hoshi

I'd like to share my daughter Wakaba's performance on stage playing the Hoshi ( Star ) at the schools Christmas show during her kindergarten days . You can find my post about her Christmas show at school here and here. Haruka will be performing the same part this weekend at her school and her big sister is teaching her songs during their bath time at the warm ofuro. Sometimes I would hear echoes of them from the kitchen performing all the characters played by the two of them lol! I dunno why but they don't want us see them rehearsing. And maybe you're wondering why I'm in and out of blogosphere again, it's because mums will be on stage too and was busy practicing songs to be sang on Saturday. So wish us luck! ^_^

Isn't it so much fun to go back and just yank them all out and just sit there and reminisce? ^_^

*Nostalgia is a weekly Thursday meme hosted by Ate Rose--please play with us by clicking the linky badge.* Photobucket


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