Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Subaru G4e concept

The Subaru G4e is a futuristic environmentally-friendly electric vehicle concept designed to change the public's perception of electric cars.

An image of heading toward the future is expressed by the triangle-shaped body, which enables the G4e to appear lithe and aerodynamic. The front windscreen is a rakish form leading toward the angular DLO in the upper section, while a taut shoulder line fades out as it reaches the front of the car drawing attention to pronounced wheelarches for a dynamic, sporting tone. But it's more than simply an appearance. The concept achieves a 0.276Cd and features advanced technologies to decrease overall body weight.

Instead of being 'heavy' and 'cramped' the G4e has turned traditional perception on its head, realizing packaging that can accommodate up to five passengers in comfort. The high-performance next-generation lithium-ion batteries are stored underneath the floor for even more useable space within the cabin and a lowered center of gravity. Bright colors liven the interior while a large display screen links the front window to the floor, mimicking a flowing waterfall.

Related Stories:
Subaru G4e concept - Tokyo 2007


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