Tuesday, December 7, 2010

All About Wakaba At School

Any other updates? Wakaba's Observation Day at Japan school is way behind--I haven't blogged for it for awhile and attended twice already and some parent-teacher one-on one meeting. Too much of being left out...

They were doing their art class when I entered the room with some of the parents as well. I was amazed how creative they are when the kids made out of something from materials that they brought from home--some paper plates, paper cups, plastics, ribbons,etc. It was fun watching the kids most especially my Wakaba working on her masterpiece and being so creative. She's having so much fun on her favorite subject at school which is art.
I'm so grateful that Japan school invite us parents to observe and see how our children are being taught at school. Wakaba made a giraffe and a week after she brought home her masterpiece and displayed at home with delight and proudly show off her hard work and of course I'm thankful for awesome pics of her artwork that is now being transferred to our hard drive to keep. ^_^ Well anyway here's some of my Wakaba's observation day in a photos showing off what she's doing in the class.
Showing off her work of art
Shoukai card, Kaiketsu Sorori--it's a some like a review on a book that she was reading at school
Ochiba de dress---they made a dress ( using a large plastic ) from fallen leaves when they had their class outdoor.
Another master piece^_^

Things are going good here and the kids are still playing with their friends in the neighborhood a lot ^_^

Hoping everyone's in pink of health and good spirits. Thank you very much for dropping by!


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