Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mommy Moments--Little Christmas Tree

Our simple Christmas tree is ain't up yet but I'll be putting up them soon! I have ordered a Christmas cake from Repaco Garden , noche buena menu is prepared, wine is set already ( my SIL gave the wine as a birthday present for me on my birthday last month ), presents for the kids are ready to be given on Christmas but I haven't thought of putting up our Christmas tree first lol! Well anyway, I'm sharing our simple Christmas tree of last year that was put up with the help of Wakaba and Haruka--at first the motiff was only blue ( which is my fave color )but Wakaba insisted to put some pink ornaments to go with our not so big Christmas tree. Last year, I put up the cards that I received from friends and loved ones to our giant cork board which was Wakaba' s art work display supposedly.
I'm planning of putting up our Christmas tree next week--well, I need few new ornaments and yes, a space! Wakaba's study desk occupied the space for our tree--well, I'll see what more I can do for it. Good luck to me then ^_^

---Wakaba's project at school---

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